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Home>Abakyala Kisoboka Women’s Group (AKWG)

Abakyala Kisoboka Women’s Group (AKWG)

Abakyala Kisoboka Women’s Group
Kayunga Village, Mafubira Parish, Butembe City Sub-County, Jinja District
To launch March 2021; 2023 women membership 86 active members
Program team: Mutesi Shaminah, Program Lead and Nalwadda Josephine, Program Coordinator

This is an urban settlement located in Jinja district in the south eastern region of Uganda. Butembe is one of three sub-counties and Kayunga village is one of 381 villages in Jinja District. The village is marginalized and lacking of basic resources including the instability of commodities, costly rent, and lack of access to decent health care or education. These challenges cause a high school dropout rate for girls who frequently enter early marriages.

Current Projects: poultry rearing, liquid soap, village savings and loan associations (VSLA)