Empowerment, Mindset Shift, Transformation

Story of Nakagolo Zalika

Home>Story of Nakagolo Zalika

Nakagolo Zalika is a young mother of 30 years with five children living in Mafubira Subcounty, Jinja District. Like many marginalized young women, she married exceptionally young, at the age of 14, because her family could not afford her education. Her husband helps on building sites, so is often away from home and is not able to provide to support their family. Zalika’s resilience is clear; she wants a better life for her children and will do what is necessary to make that happen. Zalika began washing other people’s clothes around her village to help feed and clothe her children. When she learned of WWK in her community last year, she joined immediately, using her first interest-free loan to buy maize to roast on the roadside in the evening. Despite the challenge of the rainy season, the government curfew and the expense of transport, she was still able to save 1,000ugx daily. Zalika’s potential through literacy and business learning offered by WWK continues to grow. With your sponsorship, she can educate her children, be an active earner, and contribute to both her family and her community.