

Upon achieving a shift in mindset that empowers a sense of agency, meaning and connection, the women realize that they have improved their financial situation to be able to feed and clothe their children, pay their school fees and initiate or expand a livelihood. They are learning from each other, working with each other in social enterprises, and beginning down the path to benefit from financial inclusion. As they increase in their economic stability, they demonstrate repeatedly to have the strength and moxie to tackle the barriers in front of them. For example, the women acknowledge that savings is essential to managing emergencies and daily consumption, as well as the inconsistencies of cash flow given the disrupting factors of seasonal shifts, climate change, and fluctuations in health and well-being.

At this point, as the women are learning financial management, business planning and basic technology skills, they are engaging with informal financial services. WWK is currently developing a partnership with the Uganda-based Fintech company, Ensibuuko which will automate the processes and payments so to deliver financial services through a system of VSLAs (Village Savings and Loan Associations) in place under the umbrella of each WWK local partner.  As women move from informal to formal financial services for larger capital, greater savings and potential for credit and insurance, their small capital loans recirculates to expand the community outreach of the program, while graduates develop as mentors supporting women who are new to the program.