Decent work helps us achieve all the sustainable development goals including ending poverty, hunger, and reducing inequality. In this video of the International Labour Organization, we see what is decent work and why is should take center stage.


UN Women is the United Nations entity for gender equality and women's empowerment.

  • Commission on the Status of Women (2022).
  • Facts and Figures: The benefits of Economic Empowerment.
  • Ending violence against women.
  • Women’s leadership and political participation.
  • Women and girls with disabilities.
  • Reports including data, fact sheets and links to related publications on gender equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
    A sub link on a UN website specifically focused on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides an overview, targets and indicators, and progress and information on the goal of gender equality.
  • News and events focused on the status of women today.

GrOW: the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women program of the International Development Research Center (IDRC)

GrOW generates evidence on women’s economic empowerment and to promote the use of research by key decision-makers.

  • Policy briefs and work papers on women’s access to jobs, their care responsibilities and economic growth and gender equality.
  • Scholarly research series on women’s empowerment and economic growth

    Current working papers, policy briefs and research bulletins focused on women’s economic empowerment work all over the world. Also there is the opportunity to submit your own work!


Gender Action Portal (GAP) of the Harvard Kennedy School Women and Public Policy Program (WAPPP)

WAPPP mission is to advance women + gender equity by equipping leaders & changemakers with rigorous, evidence-based strategies.

  • Impact evaluations, gender data and gender equality measures that aim to promote women and advance gender equity.
  • Interactive global map to browse studies aiming to close gender gaps.
  • Events featuring GAP’s actionable research summaries on intersectionality.
  • Articles on topics that include technology, maternal health, political representation and academic achievement.

Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) of The World Bank

GIL conducts impact evaluations which assess the outcome of development interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa, to generate evidence on how to close the gender gap in earnings, productivity, assets, and agency.

  • Focus areas: agriculture, private sector development, property rights, social norms and youth employment.
  • Interactive maps identify impact evaluations by country with links to working papers and policy briefs.
  • Policy brief findings on topics that include supporting women and girls during COVID-19 though economic recovery, policy lessons on empowering adolescent girls, and empowering women entrepreneurs.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

ILO's mandate to promote gender equality in the world of work.

  • Knowledge portal that not only connects country information and data on labour laws, standards, policies and statistics, but also provides information on ILO projects, programs and good practices.
  • Portal on labor statistics, capacity building, and labour laws.
  • Series of ongoing and forthcoming meetings and events.

WomenStrong International

WomenStrong International mission to is empower women and girls to lead the way toward a poverty-free world.

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WWK is all about taking down inequality by lifting up women to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. Decent work is about quality jobs, a fair income, safe working conditions. It is about a voice in what one does. To see how WWK engages in women’s economic empowerment, read the stories of the women.