2023—Year of Transformation

• WWK NGO emphasizes knowledge sharing and market sharing among its CBO partners, as well as emphasizing profit-sharing for sustainability among the businesses.
• WWK partners with mSME Garage as a Corporate Director for legal and NGO independence and sustainability support.
• WWK has more than 500 ongoing members achieving WWK strategic goals of moving forward from unbanked to banked through community-serving businesses
• WWK is responding to the CBO call for essential first-time access to clean, potable water and health care.
• WWK continues to expand its Graduation & Mentorship program to build leadership among its beneficiaries and to scale within the CBO

2022—Year of Digitization

• WWK CBO partners complete their first cycle of digitized VSLAs, engaging 480 women in 22 VSLAs.
• To deepen digital literacy of leadership and WWK beneficiaries, leaders of the NGO and CBOs participate in monthly technology training
• WWK promotes leadership skills for adolescent girls through the Sauti Ya Dada Program of Creative Action Institute
• WWK Implements its first Summer Internship program
• WWK’s Governing Board replaces its founding board
• WWK’s Program Director is asked to serve on the Ward Administration of the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Parish Development Model

2020 and 2021 Years of Partnership Building


We continued to build local partners and our network of technical partnerships, while also building the NGO capacity with a full time accountant and consultants in legal and organizational support.
2020 We listened carefully to our members and developed three essential programs:
1. We provide wider access to useful financial services through interest-free loans, village savings and loans (VSLA), and ultimately connections to financial service providers who open the door to formal financial inclusion.
2. Our literacy education, entrepreneurial business training, and continuous professional development has encouraged lifelong learning.
3. We foster community-centered skill development that addresses many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG*). This has made it possible for WWK members to pursue their entrepreneurial vision of becoming smallholder farmers, (SDG2, SDG5, SDG8), clean energy entrepreneurs (SDG7), improving access to clean water access and better sanitation (SDG6), advancing health and well-being (SDG 3) and tackling the effects of climate change (SDG13). *The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)mentioned above are among the 17 global goals set by the United Nations to achieve “a better and more sustainable future for all” by the year 2030.

2017-2019 Formative Years


WWK grew from a program of another nonprofit to achieve its NGO status as an indigenous non-governmental organization (NGO) Bureau. Two local CBO partners—Kisoboka Nano Initiative of Kampala District, Bliss Feme of Kasese District, and ACCESS of Nakaseke—came on board during this time when WWK also began implementing annual monitoring and evaluation.