Empowerment, Mindset Shift, Transformation

Story of Nakate Esteri

Home>Story of Nakate Esteri

Nakate Esteri is a 43 year-old mother of four children who grew up in Lawamata sub-county, Kiboga, where the challenges are many, from lack of healthcare access, educational opportunity, and overall resources, to environmental threats such as landslides, soil erosion, and droughts and floods. Esteri did not go to school, married young, and her children today range in age from 3-14. When learning about WWK, she immediately joined and used her first loan to make and sell banana juice within her community. From her profits—and growing her business from 5 jerry cans of juice to 12—she paid off her initial loan and also began functional adult literacy classes. In Estheri’s words, “I am so very happy! I have more than doubled my daily earnings in just one year which enables me to provide food and basic needs for my family and also to pay our medical bills. I am excited as I hope to construct a permanent home with a toilet and to pay tuition for my children’s continued learning”.