Empowerment, Mindset Shift, Transformation

Story of Naluyima Edida

Home>Story of Naluyima Edida

Naluyima Edida was born in a remote village in Nakaseke District during the 1980-1986 liberation war. Her parents could not afford the local school fees, which forced Edida to leave school after 6th grade. “It was very hard for me to meet my basic needs. I searched for a job but to no avail. I felt I had no other choice but to marry,” Edida shares. She met and married another man with whom she had two more children, but he neglected then abandoned her so she was only able to afford to rent a single room where she and her five children live currently. When Edida learned about WWK and joined as a member, receiving her first small interest free loan, she began selling bananas and her situation is improving daily. You can help Edida create a thriving business to support her children, pay for their school fees, and find financial independence for her and her family.