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Home>Buzzworthy Beekeeping: Transforming Lives in Nakaseke

Buzzworthy Beekeeping: Transforming Lives in Nakaseke

A remarkable transformation began in the spring of 2021 in Nakaseke as women embraced the world of beekeeping, creating a buzz of excitement and opportunity in the villages nearby. This venture, fueled by the capital from WWK’s interest-free loans and Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), has empowered these women to build a thriving beekeeping cooperative. The business not only builds hives, but also manages the entire process of honey production, from harvesting to processing. The sweet rewards of their labor extend beyond the honey itself, as the women bee farmers unlock the potential of bee-related products. Among these valuable products are honey, ‘vaseline’, soap and propolis tincture, which hold useful medicinal purposes. Florence, WWK’s program lead in Nakaseke, is teaching other WWK CBOs in this profitable business such as the cooperative in Bujagala Village, Kiboga. The story of beekeeping in Nakaseke serves as a shining example of how sustainable practices, community engagement, and innovative products can lead to economic empowerment and improved livelihoods.