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Home>Resilience rings in Nabwami Dinah’s words

Resilience rings in Nabwami Dinah’s words

Diana grew up in the infamous Luweero Triangle, where the Uganda Civil War had its roots. Her first six years of life were greatly impacted by the horrors of war. Poverty forced her to stop school at the primary level. She, like many girls living in poverty, married early birthed four children and was then abandoned and divorced by her husband. Left to raise and support her children alone, she rented a one room house in Nakaseke, but often failed to earn enough to pay her monthly rent. Moreover, she could only afford to feed her growing family one meal per day. Her school age children were expelled from school because she could not afford to pay their fees. While lonely and struggling, she met Kikomeko Eria, her husband today. She is blessed with a supportive partner and a happy marriage. Together they support Dinah’s business of the past three years, which is cooking and selling casava chips and pancakes. In 2019 Dinah joined WWK’s partnership with ACCESS, a community-based organization in Nakaseke. Through WWK, she was able to access interest-free capital to grow her business. With her profits, she began to supply fresh foods in the larger markets of Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. With Eria she bought land and they have begun building a beautiful house for their family, which includes their new baby. Together, Dinah and Eria are looking forward to doubling their earnings and building their savings through the WWK/ACCESS village savings and loan program (VSLA). They plan to open a greatly needed grocery shop in the Kiteredde Village of Nakaseke district, where they live now.