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Home>Exciting News: WWK Introduces Asset Loan Program for Its VSLAs

Exciting News: WWK Introduces Asset Loan Program for Its VSLAs

We are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking development at WWK——the introduction of our Asset Loan Program for Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). This innovative program is designed to strengthen the financial foundations of our VLSA participants who share a common entrepreneurial goal, including beekeeping, poultry rearing, agriculture, fish farming, bookmaking and renewable briquette making. The program provides much needed capital for VSLAs to invest in equipment and materials necessary to grow these income-generating activities. With the VSLA Asset Loan Program, previously out-of-reach capital expenses for machinery or tools, seeds, feeds or material will now be available. We provide clear terms and conditions for installment payments over a defined timeframe, making it easier for VSLAs to access the necessary resources for their ventures. We are proud to collaborate with Ensibuuko on this initiative, making it as our first VSLA added value program. We are also deeply grateful to receive funding from WIL of Greater Philadelphia and the Hilden Charitable Foundation. Through this enhanced operation, WWK is expanding our members’ ability to generate greater profits, save more, and actively participate in decision-making and idea generation. The program provides much needed capital for VSLAs to invest in equipment and materials necessary to grow income generating activities. This innovative approach not only preserves the core objectives of our VSLA program but also ensures a mutually beneficial arrangement. The VSLAs financial stability and the ability to generate revenue from internal lending will remain intact, securing long-term sustainability of our VSLAs.