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Home>Remarkable Transformations are Unfolding: The Impact of WWK VSLAs

Remarkable Transformations are Unfolding: The Impact of WWK VSLAs

As WWK’s VSLA program gains momentum, it has a achieved a milestone: 100% participation from all WWK members. This is no small feat, as the vulnerable women of Uganda are apprehensive about new methods around familiar programs. With the hard work and dedication of the NGO and their community-based organization (CBO) leadership, all CBO partners of WWK are embarking on their third cycle of savings, a testament to their resilience and determination. It also speaks volumes to the VSLA management and methodology of WWK’s network partner Ensibuuko. The average amount of monthly savings for the CBOs is remarkably 2.4Mugx ($645). Nalukwago Milly, the Executive Director of the NGO reveals in her excitement, “We are hearing from our local Program Leaders that the culture of savings inspired by WWK’s VSLA program has made meaningful change within the women of their community. Women who once were not working and highly vulnerable are now able to contribute to their family needs. They have gained in their knowledge of technology, leadership, and business skills, and have become recognized problem solvers for their family and within their neighborhood.”