Economic Empowerment Blossoms: WWK Women Thrive with Asset Financing

Since the inception of the asset-financing VSLA initiative in the summer of 2023, the growth among WWK women has been remarkable. In less than a year, 60 women entrepreneurs have seen a staggering 45% increase in their income-generating activities. Among them is Namuganza Tabisa (left), a member of the Abakyala Kisoboka Women’s Group (AKWG) in Jinja, Uganda. Through the asset …

WWK’s Bookmaking Cooperative Prospers as the New School Year Begins

As the new school year began in February, the pages of opportunity turn with fervor as WWK’s Bookmaking Cooperative flourishes in WWK local partner communities. In the final quarter of 2023, the members of our local partner in the Busega settlement of Kampala crafted 325 exercise books, which found eager hands among parents preparing their children for school. And as …

Transformative Initiatives: The Impact of WWK Programs in Action

Mutesi Hadijah, a resilient single mother residing in Busega, Kampala District, found hope and opportunity through the transformative initiatives of WWK. Introduced to the organization by Nakangu Mary, the WWK Program Lead, Hadijah seized the chance to elevate her life. With a small Interest-Free Capital loan, she expanded the small retail shop she had in her home with new inventory, …

Uganda’s Parish Development Model Benefits 50 WWK Women

During the first quarter of 2022, Uganda’s Parish Development Model (PDM) was launched by the government to seed locally-owned development initiatives within informal settlements.  As WWK has worked in this community system approach since 2017, our members were not only a natural to be beneficiaries of this program, but WWK’s Program Director was selected by the KCCA (Kampala City Council …

Nearly 100% WWK Women Advance Toward Financial Inclusion

In Kayunga Village, Jinja, a transformative journey unfolds, led by the Abakyala Kisoboka Women’s Group (AKWG) and supported by With Women Kisoboka (WWK). Recently, amid jubilation and dance, 86 remarkable women celebrated a pivotal moment in their lives as they graduated. The event not only symbolized their hard work but also the collective efforts of the community coming together for …

Empowering Communities: Poultry Farming Triumphs at WWK

In the heart of Kampala District’s Busega urban settlement, With Women Kisoboka (WWK) took flight with their Poultry Farming project, bolstered by the generous support of the Arthur B. Schultz Foundation, their first funding partner. While the initial vision was to empower 35 marginalized women through the rearing of 1,500 chicks, the project encountered unexpected challenges with the Covid pandemic …

Fostering Self-Sufficiency: The NGO’s Journey into Animal Rearing

In the spring of 2022, With Women Kisoboka NGO took a significant step towards independence and sustainability with the generous support of its funding partners: the Arthur B. Schultz Foundation and WIL Philadelphia. They initiated a piggery in Nakaseke and fish farm in Kasese. These projects engage local WWK women and CBO leadership, allowing them to actively manage and benefit …

Essential Health Care Reaches Kayunga Village, Jinja!

WWK is excited to embark on a transformative journey in partnership with AOET/Action for Empowerment, as we launch a vital healthcare initiative in the heart of Jinja, Uganda. Our local community partner located in the marginalized village of Kayunga, faces an array of pressing health care challenges, from malaria, HIV, typhoid, and diabetes to high blood pressure, various forms of …

A Dream Comes True for Eight Rural Children from Bujagala Village, Kiboga

On September 18, a heartwarming journey began for eight young children from the rural Bujagala village in Kiboga as they took their first steps into the best local boarding school. The children’s moms, all members of WWK’s local partner BKWG, are overjoyed as this was dream coming true that would help them to break the cycle of generational poverty for …

Exciting News: WWK Introduces Asset Loan Program for Its VSLAs

We are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking development at WWK——the introduction of our Asset Loan Program for Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). This innovative program is designed to strengthen the financial foundations of our VLSA participants who share a common entrepreneurial goal, including beekeeping, poultry rearing, agriculture, fish farming, bookmaking and renewable briquette making. The program provides much needed …